Healthy Beginnings

Comienzos Saludables
(Healthy Beginnings)

In March 2022, using seed money from a NH donor group, Project Eden started a maternal/child nutrition program.  This program, entitled COMIENZOS SALUDABLES (HEALTHY BEGINNINGS) targets improving nutrition in the first 1000 days of life, from conception to age 2.  The improved nutrition in this critical period of growth, should reduce stunting and the associated neurocognitive deficits that can occur due to malnutrition.  Project Eden collaborates with a local clinic to provide prenatal vitamins, nutrition education and food for pregnant women and teens.  The program also provides infant and children’s vitamins for children up to 2 years of age. Project Eden hopes to add a monthly provision of fresh eggs to further enhance access to nutritious food.  The program participants as of March of 2023 were 13 pregnant women and 68 children.  Project Eden would like to be able to expand this program to other clinics and improve this important outreach further into the local communities.